Because everything we have comes from and belongs to God, giving some of it back gives expression to how we steward his blessings. Please help our parish to prepare for the coming year of ministry and service by prayerfully considering a commitment to the church that is reflective of your gratitude for God’s abundant grace.
You Can Make a Difference …
Your gift of time: your presence and involvement in our parish community are powerful statements of your faith. You can make a difference by being here – for in-person Mass, for prayer services, for small group gatherings, for Sacramental celebrations, for service activities, for faith formation, and for other parish events.
Our parish needs many different people with a wide range of abilities. We have obvious needs such as the need for worship and faith formation support. But we also have many needs that are less obvious – ranging from volunteering at Mass or in Religious Education to helping with the outreach, hospitality, clerical, maintenance, and technology needs of the parish. Your talents make ministry happen!
The money you contribute to our parish in the basket or electronically makes ministry happen. It helps provide salaries and benefits. It helps pay for buildings, equipment, maintenance and materials. It helps fund programs and services which benefit all members of our parish family and those most in need of support. Your gifts given in thanksgiving for the many gifts God has given you, will make a difference in the lives of many people.
As grateful disciples and stewards of the blessings we have received, we are called as Christians to give from our hearts and to consider gifts that are …
• Planned – a prayerful consideration of the blessings bestowed upon us.
• Proportionate – commensurate with what God has given us.
• Grateful – expressing our appreciation to God.
• Joyful – a gift given freely and without restrictions or conditions.
May the following scriptural passage inspire us: "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." (1 Peter 4:10).
Please help the parish to prepare for renewed ministry and service by prayerfully considering your commitments of time, talent and treasure to the Church that are reflective of your gratitude for God's abundant grace.
Fr. Augustin
THANK YOU to all of you! Thank you for being patient and for listening to the communications about the Grateful Discipleship program our parish has engaged into for the past 6 weeks.
I am pleased to report that so far 37 families have returned their commitment forms. Among them, 2 have made a one-time donation to support the program while committing to an increased weekly collection. I would like to thank you all who have returned your forms. The committee will start putting them together and organizing the various ministries to which you committed. Even with 37% of our goal, I can say that the Grateful Discipleship Program is a success. I am personally grateful to each of you that made your commitment. Ste. Anne Parish is truly blessed to have such generous and committed members.
Some of you have not yet taken the opportunity to document your commitments. If that is the case, commitment forms are available at the back of the church and on this page. If you would, please complete the information on this form and return it as soon as you can. Let us all feel part of this parish and actively contribute to its growth.
Thank you all, once again, for your tremendous display of stewardship. It once again reinforces my belief that at Ste. Anne Parish we are a people of action. God bless you all.
Fr. Augustin
Here at Ste. Anne Parish, the commitments secured during The Grateful Discipleship Program, and sustained for years to come, will be directed toward ensuring the parish's stability and growth potential as we account for the many realities of the world today.
With all parishioners of Ste. Anne Parish involved in this initiative, our parish’s stability will be strong for generations to come. I look forward to celebrating together our growth as a community thanks to your involvement, commitment, and spiritual, material, and financial support. The awaited successful Grateful Discipleship outcome includes:
Thank you all for your love of God and His Church; thank you for being members of Ste. Anne and welcome to the first edition of our Grateful Discipleship Program.
Peace and blessings!
Fr. Augustin